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Best 13 Toddler Hiking Gear and hiking gear for kids

There is nothing more adorable than seeing little toddlers all decked out in their hiking gear, ready to hit the trails! But as any parent knows, finding the right gear for your toddler can be a bit of a challenge. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the best toddler hiking gear, perfect for any outdoor adventure!

From packs and carriers to boots and hats, we’ve got everything you need to keep your little one safe and comfortable on the trail. So whether you’re planning a day hike or an overnight camping trip, be sure to check out our list of the best toddler hiking gear!

From packs and carriers to boots and hats, we've got everything you need to keep your little one safe and comfortable on the trail. So whether you're planning a day hike or an overnight camping trip, be sure to check out our list of the best toddler hiking gear!

1-A sturdy pair of hiking boots for your toddler, so they can keep up with you on the trail

There’s nothing like a good hike to clear your head and get some fresh air. But when you’ve got a toddler in tow, it can be tough to keep up. That’s why you need a good pair of hiking boots for your little one. With a sturdy pair of boots, they’ll be able to keep up with you on the trail, and you can enjoy some quality time together in nature. Here are some of our favorites:

1. KEEN Unisex Baby Hiking Boots: These hiking boots are perfect for your little one, with a soft and comfortable fit that will keep them comfortable all day long.

2. Salomon Unisex Baby Hiking shoes: These toddler hiking shoes are perfect for your little one, with a soft and comfortable fit that will keep them comfortable all day long. And don’t forget hiking socks.

3. Columbia Unisex Baby Hiking Boots: These are perfect for your little one, with a soft and comfortable fit that will keep them comfortable all day long. Bring also hiking poles.

There's nothing like a good hike to clear your head and get some fresh air. But when you've got a toddler in tow, it can be tough to keep up. That's why you need a good pair of hiking boots for your little one

2-A baby carrier that lets you tote your little one around while you hike.

If you love spending time outdoors, but can’t stand leaving your little one at home, then you need a baby backpack carrier that lets you tote them around while you hike! This way, you can enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery while bonding with your little one.

There are a few things to consider when choosing the right hiking carrier for you and your baby. First, you’ll want to make sure that it is comfortable for both of you. The last thing you want is to be constantly adjusting and readjusting your child carrier, or worse, having to cut your hike short because your back is killing you.

Second, you’ll want to make sure that the carrier is sturdy and well-constructed. You don’t want your baby bouncing around or slipping out while you’re on the trail. And finally, you’ll want to choose a hiking backpack that has plenty of storage pockets for all of your hiking essentials – snacks, diapers, wipes, etc.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and enjoy the great outdoors with your little one!

3. A hat and sunscreen

A hat and sunscreen are a must-have for any parent hiking with a toddler. Not only will it protect your little one from the sun, but it will also keep kids cool. And, let’s be honest, kids love them and it’ll make them look super cute.

4. A water bottle and some snacks.

A water bottle and some snacks, so your toddler can stay hydrated and fueled during your hike. Young kids can get cranky when they’re hungry or thirsty. Pack some snacks and drinks so you can keep them happy on the trail. Also, try to find a hiking trail that has some interesting features, like a waterfall or a beautiful view. this will help keep your toddler’s attention focused on the hike.

5. A first-aid kit, in case of any minor scrapes or bruises along the way.

A first-aid kit is an essential item to bring when hiking with children, especially if you’re hiking with a toddler. Why? Because toddlers are notoriously clumsy and are always getting scraped up or bruised. Better to be safe than sorry!

Here’s what to include in your first-aid kit for hikes with toddlers on your next family hike:

-Band-aids: for those inevitable scrapes and cuts

A sturdy pair of hiking boots for your toddler, so they can keep up with you on the trail

-Antibiotic ointment: to prevent infection

-Pain relief: for when those scrapes and bruises start to hurt

-Tweezers: for removing splinters

-Safety pins: for holding together ripped clothing

-A whistle: in case you get separated from your toddler (or they get lost)

With these essential kids’ outdoor items in your first-aid kit, you’ll be prepared for anything that comes your way on your hike with your toddler. So go forth and explore, knowing that you’re prepared for anything!

6. A camera, so you can document all of your toddler’s hiking adventures!

Hiking with a toddler can be a fun and rewarding experience – as long as you’re prepared. Make sure you have a good camera to document all of your toddler’s adventures. These memories can last a lifetime and can make a great gift when you grow up.

Hiking with a toddler can be a fun and rewarding experience - as long as you're prepared. Make sure you have a good camera to document all of your toddler's adventures.

7. A cute little backpack to carry all their snacks and outdoor gear in.

No matter where you go or what you do, always bring a backpack with you. Why you ask? Because backpacks are essential for carrying all of your snacks and gear! Plus, they’re just so darn cute. So next time you head out the door, make sure to grab your toddler or kid’s backpack – you’ll be glad you did.

And there are no shortages of these little sacks.

8. A rain jacket in case the weather takes a turn.

If you’re planning on taking your toddler on a hike, make sure to bring a rain jacket! You never know when the weather might take a turn, and you don’t want your little one to get wet and soggy. Nothing worse than fiesty little ones when they are uncomfortable, so pack wisely!

A rain jacket in case the weather takes a turn

9. Insect repellent to keep the bugs at bay.

Trust me on this! , you’re going to want to bring insect repellent. The last thing you want is for your little one to be covered in bites. But don’t worry, with the right repellent, you can keep the bugs at bay.

There are a lot of different insect repellents on the market, so how do you know which one to choose? Well, you’ll want to make sure it’s safe for your toddler, of course. But you’ll also want to consider how long it lasts and how effective it is.

DEET is one of the most common and most effective insect repellents out there. But it’s not necessarily the best choice for young children. That’s because it can be toxic if it’s ingested. So, if you’re using DEET, be sure to keep it out of reach of your toddler.

Another option is picaridin. This repellent is just as effective as DEET, but it’s not as toxic. So, if you’re looking for a safe option for your toddler, picaridin is a good choice.

There are also natural repellents that contain ingredients like citronella and lemongrass. These can be effective, but they don’t usually last as long as chemical repellents.

No matter which repellent you choose, make sure to follow the instructions on the label. And remember, when it comes to keeping your toddler safe from bugs, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

10. A whistle to signal for help if they get lost.

If you’re planning on taking your toddler on an outdoor adventure, make sure to bring a whistle. That way, if they wander off and get lost, you can signal for help. And who knows, maybe you’ll even find a few other lost toddlers along the way.

11. A comfy pair of pajamas for after a long day of hiking.

After a long day of hiking, your toddler will be exhausted. They’ll want to change into a comfy pair of pajamas as soon as they can. But what kind of pajamas should you get for your little hiker?

There are a few things to consider when choosing the perfect pair of pajamas for your toddler. First, you’ll want to make sure they’re warm enough. Hiking can be strenuous, and your toddler will likely be sweaty and dirty when they finish. You don’t want them to get cold, so choose a pair of pajamas that will keep them warm.

There are a few things to consider when choosing the perfect pair of pajamas for your toddler. First, you'll want to make sure they're warm enough.

Second, you’ll want to choose a pair of comfortable pajamas. Hiking can be tough on little bodies, and your toddler will likely be sore when they finish. Choose a pair of pajamas that are soft and comfortable, so they can relax and get a good night’s sleep.

Third, you’ll want to make sure the pajamas are durable. Toddlers are notoriously hard on clothes, so you’ll want to choose a pair of pajamas that can stand up to some wear and tear. Look for a pair that is made from durable fabric and has reinforced seams.

Finally, you’ll want to consider the style of the pajamas. There are many cute and stylish options available, so choose a pair that your toddler will love wearing. Look for fun patterns or bright colors that will make bedtime more fun.

With these considerations in mind, you’re sure to find the perfect pair of pajamas for your little hiker.

A cozy toddler sleeping bag for camping overnight under the stars

12. A cozy sleeping bag for camping overnight under the stars.

Whether you’re planning a family camping trip or a solo backpacking adventure, spending a night under the stars is an experience everyone should have at least once. And what better way to do it than with a cozy kids’ sleeping bag?

These sleeping bags are designed for kids ages 3-7 and are perfect for camping in cooler weather. They’re also super lightweight and easy to carry, so you won’t have to worry about lugging a heavy bag around.

So if you’re looking for a fun and unique way to spend a night outdoors, be sure to bring cozy kids’ sleeping bag along for the ride. You’ll sleep soundly knowing your little ones are warm and safe all night long.

 letting your child carry his or her daypack can be a great way to instill a sense of responsibility at an early age

When Can Kids Carry Their Daypack?

Assuming your child is potty trained and reasonably coordinated, there is no definitive answer to this question. Some parents let their kids start carrying their daypack as early as 3 years old, while others wait until the child is closer to 6 or 7.

There are pros and cons to both approaches. On the one hand, letting your child carry his or her daypack can be a great way to instill a sense of responsibility at an early age. It also frees up your hands for other things, like holding your child’s hand or carrying their little gear.

On the other hand, young children can be notoriously fickle when it comes to carrying things, and they may quickly tire of lugging around a heavy daypack. If you do let your child carry his or her daypack, be sure to pack light and be prepared to carry it yourself if your child gets tired.

Hiking with Toddlers and Young Kids (1–4 years)

Hiking with young kids can be a lot of fun. Here are some tips to make it a great experience for everyone:

1. Choose a short, easy trail. You don’t want to be out in the wilderness all day with young kids. A short, easy trail will be more enjoyable for everyone.

2. Take breaks often. Young kids have short attention spans and get tired quickly. Take breaks often so they can rest and play.

3. Be prepared for anything. Young kids are unpredictable. Be prepared for anything and you’ll have a great time hiking with them.

Hiking with Toddlers and Young Kids (1–4 years)

Buying Hiking Clothes For Kids

One of the most important pieces of gear for hiking is proper footwear. Shoes that are too big or too small can be uncomfortable and make it difficult to hike. You’ll want to make sure your kids’ shoes fit well and are comfortable before you head out on the trail.

Another important piece of gear is kids hiking clothes. You’ll want to dress your kids in layers so they can easily adjust to changes in temperature. Dressing your toddler in clothing that’s too loose can get caught on branches and bushes, so make sure it fits well.


There’s no need to spend a lot of money on fancy gear when you’re just starting out. But there are a few essential items that will make your toddler’s hiking experience more enjoyable. A comfortable pair of shoes is a must, and hiking socks will help prevent blisters. A small backpack will help them carry their snacks and water, and a hat will keep the sun out of their eyes. Most importantly, don’t forget the sunscreen!

And most importantly, lots of love and patience!

Have something to add to the list or tips to share with the community, don’t hesitate to write in the comment section.

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